Straighten Your Smile Without Everyone Noticing

People often have concerns about the aesthetic impact of the metalwork on their smiles when wearing dental braces. Especially for adults, the prospect of wearing unattractive metal braces for an extended period can be very discouraging. The Invisalign® system straightens teeth fast without metal and is almost invisible.

Invisalign® is a series of custom-made aligning trays. The dentist adjusts the trays every few weeks to fit the new configuration of the teeth. Aside from the lessened visible impact, Invisalign® aligning trays can be temporarily removed for special events, allowing patients to tailor the length of their treatment. Many patients say they are delighted with the Invisalign® treatment and the beautiful results. One of the only differences between Invisalign® and traditional metal braces is that Invisalign® aligning trays are nearly undetectable to the human eye and can be removed at any time.

What Happens During Invisalign® Treatment?

Before developing specific alignment trays, the dentist must devise an initial treatment plan. Digital three-dimensional pictures of the complete jaw are taken.
These images allow the dentist to manipulate individual teeth on the screen, observe the jaw from various angles, and even predict how the face will look in the future. In other words, this technology may demonstrate how Invisalign® trays can alter facial features.

After completing the planning process, a unique pair of aligners are created. The number of aligners needed varies depending on the condition, but 20-29 sets per arch are common.

What Happens During Invisalign® Treatment?

Before developing specific alignment trays, the dentist must devise an initial treatment plan. Digital three-dimensional pictures of the complete jaw are taken.
These images allow the dentist to manipulate individual teeth on the screen, observe the jaw from various angles, and even predict how the face will look in the future. In other words, this technology may demonstrate how Invisalign® trays can alter facial features.

After completing the planning process, a unique pair of aligners are created. The number of aligners needed varies depending on the condition, but 20-29 sets per arch are common.

Here are some of the most common issues that Invisalign® can help with:
  • Overcrowding: 
This happens when there isn’t enough room in the mouth for the teeth to align properly. Overcrowding can lead to tooth decay and make gum disease more likely.
  • Large gaps between teeth:
This might happen if there are missing teeth or if the jaw continues to expand unnaturally.
  • Crossbite:
When one or more upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, this common dental condition occurs. As a result of the uneven wear, bone erosion and gum disease might occur.
  • Overbite:
This condition happens when the upper teeth protrude beyond the lower teeth or cover them. Jaw pain and TMJ may develop over time.
  • Underbite:
The lower teeth extend further than, or fully cover, the upper teeth, which is the inverse of the overbite. Jaw pain and TMJ can develop over time.

Building Healthy

Contagious Smiles

We love all of our patients here at Magnolia Modern Dental! What Our Patients Are Saying:





We love all of our patients here at Magnolia Modern Dental! What Our Patients Are Saying:

What Should You Keep in Mind When Wearing Invisalign® Trays?

It may take many weeks to adjust to life with Invisalign® aligning trays. Except during eating and drinking, the trays should be worn at all times. When eating or drinking, the trays must be removed since food might become caught between the tray and the teeth, causing tooth decay.
New trays are usually required every two weeks, and development can be noticed between appointments with the naked eye.

Invisalign® aligning trays have undeniably revolutionized orthodontics. Invisalign® is well-known for its comfort and effectiveness.

Please call our office if you have any questions about Invisalign®.


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